Code Correction, Covenants and Cultivation

Hey folks! It’s been a while. Hope you’re all doing well, and didn’t miss me too much last week! I enjoyed my rare day off, but now it’s time to get back to it. Let’s dive in!

We’re jumping back two weeks for the Horde update, as that’s the last time I opened it. As you may recall I’ve been focusing on loading in assets of late. Well two weeks ago I decided to overhaul that system to allow me to pass in not just the sprites for the cards, but to also allow me to pass through any sprite sheets and sound effects, and give me the ability to update that info as and when I need more data I hadn’t yet thought of. Partly because it makes the whole zombie selection system more robust, while keeping the amount of duplicate data I need down, and partly because I’m a huge masochist.

The archaeologist file used to just be a sprite. It’s way more robust now.

Anyway, it took a lot of time, a lot of refactoring, and roughly all of my patience, but I got it done. The result? Well, sadly the result is practically identical in every way to how it was before in terms of looking at the game. But believe me, under the hood, it’s a whole different story. I just really hope I remember anything about the changes when I come to modify the game again, as significant time will have passed since I last looked at it.

Which leads me nicely into today’s task. Once again it is unlikely that I will be working on Horde. Why? Am I slacking off? Am I spending too long blog writing? Or is the game actually finished, and I’m simply too shy to show it off? Well, it’s none of the above. Sadly, my world is about to become entirely legalese, as I plunge myself kicking and screaming into the icy waters of contract writing and accounting. I’ve finally got PAYE ready, so I need to think about actually pulling a wage, as currently all earnings are still with the company. In addition to that, and very excitingly for #EgoProblems, we should have an employee joining in September! I can’t talk too much about it just yet, as there’s a lot of work to go before it’s official, but I’m going to be spending a lot of time sorting out the necessary prerequisites. This includes setting up a pension scheme. Yeah, I’m that cool.

But now, of course, the question on everyone’s lips… How is the #EgoVeg? Well, we’re happy to report that we’re getting yield finally! Our beanstalk is producing beans, some of them more impressive than others. One plant snapped at some point, so it’s put all of its effort into one bean, as it’s unable to grow taller, check it out:

We’ll be self-sufficient yet! Y’know. Probably. Hey! in other news, and to round off this post, I’m working on arranging a new livestream! Don’t know if any of you picked up on the subtle hint last week, but yes! We’re finally doing another one. I reckon this one is going to be based around coding or design work, rather than art, but hopefully it’ll be a good chance to find out more about the game, and just chat it up!

Till then, I’m off to brush up on accounting… Yay!
Matt out.

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